It's Time to Take Action!

Sign our petition to let the Government know that you oppose the tolling of existing interstates.

Sign the Petition

Given that tolling existing interstates wastes taxpayer money on bureaucracy, causes economic hardship for all drivers, diverts vehicles to secondary routes unsuited for heavy traffic, increases business costs and consumer prices, is a double tax on roads, and is an abdication of responsibility by our elected leaders at the federal, state and local levels—the undersigned urge our public officials not to allow new tolls on existing interstates and instead find sustainable, long-term transportation funding solutions that will finally fix our ailing infrastructure.

Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates

The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates (ATFI) was formed to educate the public about the negative impact that tolling existing interstates has on our communities and businesses. ATFI exists to provide detailed information to the media, policymakers and individuals on why tolling existing interstates will not solve our transportation needs. Our goal is to develop a growing alliance of individuals, businesses and organizations that will advocate for solving our growing transportation needs without tolling existing interstates. Join ATFI and help fight interstate tolls.

  • Tolling Existing Interstates: Tried and Failed
  • Listen to the People's Voice - No Interstate Tolls
  • Real Life Toll Horrors - $17,000 fine for $36 in missed tolls
See our other videos


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William Kasakevich
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Shawn Day

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