The Providence Journal
Patrick Anderson, January 19, 2016
The nearest gantry would be more than a dozen miles from its borders, but Narragansett on Tuesday became the first Rhode Island community to consider a formal resolution opposing Governor Raimondo's truck toll proposal.
Saying tolls on large commercial trucks would increase the cost of goods for town residents, the proposed Narragansett resolution called on other cities and towns in the state to join in opposition to the toll-financed bridge-repair proposal currently being negotiated between Raimondo and General Assembly leaders. The Town Council's action on the resolution Tuesday night came after The Providence Journal's deadline.
Narragansett is not expected to be the last to take a position on the issue.
In Portsmouth, a hotbed of toll opposition going back to the short-lived tolls on the Sakonnet River Bridge, the Town Council is expected to have an anti-toll resolution on the agenda for its next meeting, Jan. 25, according to Kathy Viera in the town clerk's office. more at: